Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Hello everyone,

Seminary is an awesome place. The community is almost too friendly. And it's not just the occasional wave high to my fellow neighbor, you can actually tell that the presence of the Lord is active in the hearts of the community. I am a first year, so some things were a little challenging the first couple of weeks (like, just the general adjustment to St. Louis, MO seminary life).

Literally, every professor is or once was an active rostered LCMS Pastor with a parish, so, literally, all of them have committed to a life of service; my Greek professor is a pastor; my academic adviser is a pastor; my basketball coach is a pastor (oh yeah, btw, I am on the team...). One might think that so much pastor-ness would get annoying. But in reality, for the most part, the faculty are down-to-earth human men with wives and children who are rooting for either St. Louis or Boston. It is actually quite relieving. Judgment is last, and patience is first; scorn is last, and love is first.

So, yes, I am on the basketball team. Dr. Tim Saleska is the coach and ever since the beginning of the term, he has been attempting to recruit me for the team. Not because of my three-point shot, or my 35 inch vertical, but because the team needs bodies to fill the jerseys (#humility). Now, you might remember that I've had several surgeries on my right ankle, resulting in a very 'special' ankle. But Dr. Coach Saleska knows this (I told him) and we have an understanding. If it's sore, I don't play. If I play, it's not for very long. In fact, I'll go to practice today, but probably won't play much because we had an intramural football game yesterday, and it's a little sore. It goes without saying, I need to be careful. So, we will see how it goes.

My flag football team is in the playoffs. That's fun. Other teams know I like to throw the deep bomb, so they usually have two or three defenders deep. That just opens the my QB option.

Greek is going swimmingly. I know I've taken a Greek class before, and so, one would hope it is going well. But, this class teaches the language from a different perspective, that is just more logical, instead of just memorizing a billion things and calling it taught. Apparently, this way is a little more technical and therefore more 'difficult,' but hey, it's an ancient language that is chosen by God to get his point across.

This place is a positive influence on my life. As a seminary student, I love because Christ first loved me; and I give grace because grace was first given to me. This is the Calling that all Christians should answer; and as a student at the seminary, this should be a way of life. All I am saying is that this place is more than just a place for academic studies. And if that way of life was only partially lived before, it is now brought to completion.

Please keep me in your thoughts. It helps so so much. Knowing that I have an army of support really helps.

I love you all.

Mike Hofmann